The Phase 1 Habitat Survey methodology was first published by the Nature Conservancy Council in 1990 and has been reprinted on several occasions. Originally intended for county-wide surveys it has become the standard methodology for describing a site's habitats. The standard symbols and colours can be interpreted by anyone with a copy of the Phase 1 handbook, which can be download for free as a PDF document from JNCC's website.
The Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey includes the original habitat survey, but adds other information, such as the results of a data search and a walk-over survey for evidence of protected species of animal, such as badger, bats and great crested newt. Reports highlight the presence of any protected species that may be a constraint to development and recommended further surveys. The Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey methodology has to a certain extent been superceeded by the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA).
An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey will normally contain the following:
- The results of a data trawl
- A site visit, with a description of the habitats, including ponds and other water-bodies.
- Evidence of protected species
- The presence of invasive species
- Recommendations
- A Phase 1 Habitat Plan of the site
- Photographs of the site
- Target notes
- A list of plant and animal species
- References
Cheshire Ecology Ltd. has considerable experience of carrying out Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys and would welcome the opportunity to quote you.